New Patients

Please click here to fill out the new patient form online.    Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to complete any remaining paperwork. Please wear loose or comfortable fitting clothes, you may be given a robe to change into at your acupuncturists discretion.

Before Each Treatment

Try to avoid the following before getting acupuncture:  eating a large meal within an hour of your appointment, fasting, alcohol, tobacco products, illegal drugs, vigorous activity or sexual activity within an hour of your appointment.  Please bring with you any relevant information that you would like us to review, such as lab work, x-rays, food log, or even something as simple as a list of your health concerns or goals.

What to Expect During Treatment

Your acupuncturists will insert very fine, disposable needles at various points on your body. The needles may be kept in place anywhere from 20 to 35 minutes. Most patients find the retention period very calming and often fall asleep. At Akos, we provide music or guided meditation, essential oils and eye masks to help you relax. Your acupuncturist will take you through the process if this is your first time and get you comfortable before you begin the treatment.

What to Expect After Treatment

It is important to avoid strenuous activity and extreme temperatures (i.e., hot yoga or ice baths) after a treatment. It is normal to feel slightly tired, relaxed and maybe even a little out of it. Getting a massage after acupuncture is often encouraged, especially if you are seeking help with pain or injury. Just remember to stay hydrated all day and take it easy for the rest of the day.

How Frequent

Acupuncture is a compounding medicine, meaning frequent treatments typically achieve better, longer-lasting results. Chinese medicine believes in the transformation of a constitution to eliminate symptoms and prevent disease progression. That transformation typically doesn’t happen overnight. Your acupuncturist will work with you to establish a treatment plan that will help you best achieve your goals.

Does Herbal Formulas Interact With My Medication

Most herbs are safe to take with most medications but there are some herb / drug interactions that your acupuncturist is trained to identify. It is important that you provide us with a full and complete list of all the medication and supplements you are taking so that we can ensure your safety.

Are Herbs Safe to Take Long Term

Most herbal formulas are safe to take long term and do not tax your organs the way pharmaceutical medication can. However, it is very important that you continue to see us regularly so we can adjust the formula to best fit your needs. The duration of your herbal course will depend on a variety of factors that your acupuncturist will determine from your health progression and symptoms.

Do You Accept Major Medical Insurance

Most major medical insurance is accepted at Akos on an out-of-network basis. Please fill out the insurance inquiry form here and we will check your coverage for acupuncture.

What Is Your Cancellation Policy

We believe in mutual respect of our time and our patients time so we have a 24 hour cancellation window. We know unforeseen events happen and we offer an annual waiver for late cancellations. Please feel free to contact us for extenuating circumstances.